In terms of concrete suggestions, I know it takes time to set up new programs. It even takes time to thoroughly analyze them. In the way of a specific suggestion, there is a successful framework under the METC grant program for encouraging prospecting and the actual finding of minerals. That has proven to be a very strong incentive to quickly bring investors online in order to encourage the finding of minerals.
That program currently does not help us in terms of developing the secondary and tertiary processing that has to go after that. One of the recommendations that I would have is to either expand or redirect some of the resources dedicated to the METC grant program into developing this sector.
I would encourage that it be very targeted. I don't think we want to be subsidizing every industrial facility that people have in mind. I think we have to decide, as a country, that this is a priority item, so therefore we will encourage specific development of this type of process. That is one solid thing.
I would emphasize that it is going to have to be a coordinated effort. It's going to require stakeholders from all across this sector in order to have a fully coherent program that gets political buy-in almost universally.
I hope that helps.