I know that there were log-in challenges there.
I want to thank the representatives for their comments. Indeed, being from northern British Columbia, I see how essentially an economic recovery will rely on the resource sector, especially forestry in British Columbia. The question I have for you, though, is based on the WTO ruling that happened this August. It was against the U.S. It was a unanimous decision and basically said that what the U.S. said wasn't the case.
They ruled in Canada's favour unanimously. Then we saw an appeal to that decision on September 28, 2020. I just wanted to know about an update. A lot of us here in northern B.C. have been watching this roller coaster ride of the tariffs that are very unfair towards Canadian producers. It's an impediment of some 20% or 22% to our competitiveness with our neighbours to the south.
If you could, update us on that to let people know where that's at. When is that appeal going to go through and take its course? That's just for some information for all of us.