I will start, and then I'll pass it over to Dr. Hoskin.
As Mr. Moffet laid out, the objective of the clean fuels fund is to complement and help build that domestic supply of clean fuels within Canada so that we are in a position to build that to ensure that Canadians have access to clean fuels within the market. There's also the net zero accelerator; the $1.5 billion within the clean fuels fund. Our objective is to try to support the growth of supply and demand together.
We also know that building the domestic supply is the best way for us to have a capacity to support the export side, the supply and demand of global markets as well. Many jurisdictions want to buy from Canada because we're seen as a reliable trading partner. Building that production is going to be a great opportunity for us.
The next piece is with the $8 billion in the net zero accelerator. That is also going to support the government in looking at those high-scale opportunities that will support a very quick transition of large emitters in helping them drive down their emissions.
I'll pause there.