Thanks for the question.
We wouldn't have been in this position or working on these types of issues 11 years ago, and I don't have on hand comparisons in terms of projections from a number of years ago versus what they might be now. However, it might be helpful for you to know that industry in Canada has itself been looking at this, and the view, particularly from canola growers, is that canola grown in Canada can meet this increased demand.
Canada produces about 20 million tonnes of canola each year and aims to grow production to 26 million tonnes by 2025. Even at the full 5% of renewable content for biofuel and diesel, that will require 3.2 million tonnes of seed and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well.
The other thing to point out, as mentioned before, is that we are not just looking at those traditional sources, such as canola, corn or wheat, but increasingly at the secondary-use products that traditionally would have been waste. We are looking to expand further into those areas where we can see potential for larger growth as well.