Mr. Cannings, that's a good question. It's not one or the other, it's both or all of the above. Hydrogen should be viewed as being used in different ways within the economy to clean up the greenhouse gas emissions.
It can be used, as you've mentioned, whether it's as direct end-source use for transportation fuel cells or whatever that might be, but you have to look at the economics of how much hydrogen costs to transport it to where you're using it. I know we talked a bit about the different colours of hydrogen. We need to make sure that we're looking at the carbon-free hydrogen, when we use it, say, in our natural gas stream, which is also a very important path to use, because we can't necessarily get to the point where we can use a 100% renewable natural gas. Therefore, hydrogen will play a role in there.
You're right. When you look at the studies, I have heard everything from 5% to 20%. That's why we are spending a lot of time doing that research so we know exactly what it means for our system. Then, of course, you have to see how it behaves with your system, because every system is different. There are longer systems; there are systems that have different physical characteristics with the types of pipe, and so on, and the compressor stations. All of that has to be worked out so that you can get the right percentage for your system. However, at the end of the day, if you look at that diagram of the different paths that hydrogen can take, we shouldn't eliminate any of those paths now. We should see which ones we can use.
Electrolyzers might not be cutting-edge technology. The cost will come down, because we'll start building more of them. That's manufacturing efficiencies and getting cost-effective movement down that cost curve, but what we really need are some breakthroughs in technology.
How can be break that hydrogen and oxygen bond apart cheaper than basically the brut force of electricity to break those bonds? What other ways are there of producing hydrogen that we could use?