Thank you.
Witnesses, thanks very much for coming, but I'm going to ask a question here of Mr. Kumar.
I think we're getting somewhere with your research and I hope you can commit to giving us some pretty clear ideal outcomes in written format after this.
Let me ask, just for prodding here.... I know my colleague Mr. Simard talked about a $2-billion bioplant, and my colleague Bob Zimmer talked about getting into the actual cost of this and the life-cycle emissions. If you're talking about building—correct me if I'm wrong—a $2-billion plant that processes 500,000 tonnes per year of biomass, if that's the ideal, can you give us, all in, how big a mass of land you're talking about culling it from?
Also tell us first, please, what you're talking about as far as the CO2 emissions associated with the building of the facility itself are concerned, if that's included in your life-cycle analysis.