I guess it has at least partially, but it twigged another question that I wasn't thinking of asking, and now I will.
You mentioned the petrochemical industry and the oil and gas industry. In Fruitvale, here in my riding, there's a company building a new plant to take in forest waste products and create renewable natural gas. This is a big plant they're building. It's not some add-on. It happens to be on an old brownfield site from an old sawmill that went out of business years ago, but they have plans to build this one and perhaps several more.
Is that something that FPInnovations gets into, this production of fuels like renewable natural gas from forest waste products? Again, we've heard of.... Right now, the interior of B.C. is very smoky because all the slash is being burned, as you know, with more carbon than all the cars in British Columbia put together. This is a way to create a cleaner fuel. Is this something that you have been hearing of and are promoting?