Thanks, Mr. Zimmer, for the question.
This is available in “The State of Canada's Forests” report that NRCan produces. There is quite a team of carbon modellers at the Canadian Forest Service. This is in line with the international science that we really need the managed forests to sequester the most carbon moving forward.
The area that's under management is sequestering more carbon than the unmanaged forest, so this 14 megatonnes comes out of the carbon budget model. That's based on the area where we have monitoring set up across Canada and a whole bunch of inputs around growth and yield and the species and what those are capable of storing.
Then, I think, where the evolution is going, which is fantastic, is the carbon sequestered in the harvested wood products, particularly in those long-lived products like the mass timber we were just talking about, so that's calculated in there as well. It's really about maximizing that carbon sequestration potential using forest management into the future.