I think there are two things that are really important in making it real at some point. I'm a scientist. I love science. I can do science every day. But making the bioeconomy real is about taking one, two, or three things and really focusing on pushing them through commercialization and scale-up. If I look at bioplastics, there's been literature and scientists have been working on bioplastics for 40 years. We do wonderful things in the labs. What is real and what is not? Pick a few battles and carry them through so that we can prime this bioeconomy.
I think that's the most important thing, going forward. I'm looking at bioplastics. I'm looking at what we call “regenerated” fibre. What we do in the labs now is that we take wood fibre—it's beautiful, of course, but the shapes and forms are difficult to work with—and we dissolve it. Then we reconstruct fibre from it. We can add biochemistry into it and do everything from diapers to carbon fibres to high-strength materials to composite. You recreate, basically, all the bioproducts you can do with the classical petroleum chemistry.