You are exactly correct, but our view is that these are different products. They have a different place in the marketplace.
Comparing hydrogen produced from natural gas, where there is no penalty for the CO2 emissions and there's no CO2 capture, to the cost of producing net-zero hydrogen from this facility, we view that comparison, quite frankly, as apples and oranges. The reason we're here today and the reason that the world is so focused on this is that we want to reduce the CO2 footprint.
Yes, we believe that the products from this facility will be more expensive than if they were made from a facility that had no carbon capture, emitted all the CO2, and received no penalty for doing so, but that's not, as you very well know and as the committee knows, where the world is going. The world wants and needs its energy produced with a lower carbon intensity, and that's what's exciting about this project: being able to prove that we can do this and produce that net-zero hydrogen.