Thank you. Let me make two points.
First, we understand hydrogen, because everything at Air Liquide revolves around it. We are totally convinced that this molecule is what we need. We produce several tens of millions of cubic metres of it per year, and we have done so for a little more than 50 years.
Second, we are investing for our own assets and for our clients simultaneously, not just to make a profit, but to make a profit in the long term. In other words, we want to create value for the duration.
We—the company and its managers, as individuals in the broadest sense of the term—are totally convinced that creating sustainable value will come through the acceptance of all our focus on energy, intensive though the activities may be. That is why we are conducting those activities now and why we started them some years ago. We think that we are in a position, not only to create value but to create it for the long term.