We are just finishing an economic analysis for the plant that we're doing, an expansion conversion plant of an existing refinery down in Long Beach. We were amazed. From this project, where our investment is over a billion dollars, ourselves, it was generating over $18 billion of add-on economic activity with the number of jobs. It's a four-year project to build. We employ currently over 150 people there who would not have their jobs had it been left as a petroleum refinery, because it was no longer viable in that form. Yet, with the environmental concerns as a result of the fact that it was a refinery for 100 years, it would have effectively been scorched earth, so to be able to rejuvenate that is amazing. Its place within the community is huge. This is down in the U.S., where the average value of a job there is over $85,000 in U.S. dollars. This is real, but it's in the U.S., and these are high-paying jobs in the sector.
I don't have the specific numbers for Canada right now, but I can say that they are exceptional in the project we're doing in the States. We expect that you will see similar values, numbers and scope up here in Canada with the right policies in place to stimulate the investments.