All right, everybody, we can resume. Welcome back.
I want to welcome our three new witnesses and thank them for joining us today. From the Alberta Forest Products Association, we have Jason Krips; from the British Columbia Council of Forest Industries, Susan Yurkovich; and from the Quebec Wood Export Bureau, Sylvain Labbé.
Thank you to the three of you for taking the time to be here. I will give each of you up to five minutes to deliver opening remarks. Then I will open the floor to questions from around the table. You are free to speak in either official language. Translation services are available.
I will warn you in advance that my job is to be the chief interrupter. If people go on longer than they're supposed to, I will be rude and interrupt and kindly ask you to wrap things up.
On that note, I will go in order of your names on the schedule.
Mr. Krips, why don't you start? Thank you.