I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I've heard enough stories about how some of the big funds out of the U.S. spend money on promoting...and when their legal challenges are made, if you track it back.... I heard a very interesting speaker last year or the year before talk about how you can connect those dots back to the Rockefeller Foundation, for example.
The U.S. is very protectionist that way. The softwood lumber situation is just ridiculous; it will never stop. I know you guys were talking about the WTO and all of that. We could spend an hour on that subject.
The U.S. drives that bus. It is the U.S. coalition that makes it happen. There is no way we're going to do anything with them. Until the U.S. government itself pushes back on them, they're driving the bus. A lot of influence comes from the U.S. into our forestry politics.