Thank you for your question.
The answer is in three parts. First, we're already producing and planting a lot of trees. If we have a plan based on a 10-year horizon, let's say, and we send out orders to nurseries, there's a way to adapt the orders to meet needs like that across Canada. It's not a huge challenge, because nurseries start with seeds, and we've got seeds. We need only go and gather them. However, we don't have seeds for all species.
What Carbone boréal does is test assumptions. For example, in science, we wonder if planting trees, which changes the colour of the land, won't have a counterproductive effect in some northern areas. If I were to plant trees in the Northwest Territories, the change in colour during the winter period could diminish the positive effects of carbon sequestration. This needs to be tested.
This year, in areas very far to the north, 200,000 larch trees were planted because they lose their needles in winter. With the help of satellites, we can see if a change occurs and that will provide answers about the growth of the trees. At the moment, the science is still in the development stages. That's why—