Thank you, Mr. Angus.
I note and appreciate that California has been a great leader in this. Their storage resources are backed up by extensive thermal resources, which represent 45% of the grid's capacity and have been essential to ensure—but not always—the reliability of the California grid. Those resources will continue to be invaluable for at least well past 2035.
For Ontario, we see the capacity for energy storage to completely exceed all thermal resources, certainly well before 2050. There is a great variety where, between 2035 and 2050, energy storage resources can fully displace natural gas.
At this point, we envision the goal for 2050 to be 88,000 megawatts of capacity. That's more than doubling where we are today. Energy storage will have to fulfill close to the entirety of that, notwithstanding existing hydroelectric and nuclear resources, to ensure that we have a reliable grid.