Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Ms. Wong, if you're going to be tabling a document to this committee about the cost per kilowatt-hour for wind, solar and natural gas, I'm wondering if you would be able to also include in that a breakdown of what the cost would be if there wasn't a federal government-imposed carbon tax on natural gas, just so we can get a good snapshot of all things being equal.
With that, Mr. Chair, I'm going to give notice of a motion quickly with part of my time here:
Given that,
The Liberal government released its internal economic data on the carbon tax, revealing it costs Canadians $30.5 billion and over $1800 for every household in Canada,
This is in addition to the increased costs the carbon tax puts on gas, groceries and home heating, and
The Liberal government tried to cover up this information from Canadians,
When the Parliamentary Budget Officer revealed that the Liberal government had this data, they placed him under a gag order, and attempted to disparage his reputation;
The committee report to the House that the environment minister must resign immediately
I'm just giving notice of that motion. I'm not asking to move it or debate it. I'm just putting that out there. Because we are talking about costs of energy here, I do think that it ties in quite nicely with some of the points that we've heard here today.
For Capital Power, I'm wondering if you can you talk a little bit more about some of the obstacles or maybe disincentives that exist for you guys in trying to get your carbon capture project up and going.