I think the way I would respond is to say that our electricity industry today reflects, from a visual or just-representation perspective, Canadian society 30 years ago. It does not reflect Canadian society today. It doesn't reflect the diversity of our cities and it doesn't reflect the diversity of our country, whether we're talking about folks from other countries or about more women's participation. Just to put a finer point on it, women's participation in this industry is 27%. Five years ago, it was 26%. At that rate, we're looking at 120 years to gender parity for the sector.
I think we can all agree that gender parity across the economy has almost been achieved from a total representation perspective. We're almost at 50%. I think it's 51% men to 49% women. We're very, very close. This sector is lagging, so there's some work to be done on that particular aspect of it. There is plenty of research from organizations like the Diversity Institute out of Toronto and others. They have done a great deal of work on what it means to be innovative through different thinking and different mechanisms of thinking and by coming from different societal and social backgrounds.
I think that if we don't diversify our industry, we're actually being left behind from an innovation perspective.