Great. I think it would be helpful for this committee to see that analysis. If you're willing to share it, please feel free to do that. I think it would help inform us of the full costs and implications of this pipeline.
I have about a minute left, so I'll turn to you, Mr. Gooderham. You mentioned the downstream emissions. We don't often talk about the reality that while our emissions are around 700 megatonnes, the wildfires, as I mentioned earlier, were around 647 megatonnes last year. The emissions exported, the oil we send to other places through actually diluted bitumen, in the case of TMX, to other countries is about 954 million tonnes. I think you had started to get to that.
The other reality we have in this country is that if we want to have a chance of staying below 1.5°C, even a 50% chance, we need to leave 86% of our fossil fuel reserves unextracted. You're one of the few people willing to actually talk about the production of emissions as opposed to only emissions themselves.
I'm pretty much out of time, but perhaps you can briefly share the implications of conversations like these if we don't talk about production as well.