Thank you very much.
My question this time is for Mr. Kabbara.
One thing I liked in your submission here, when you spoke to us, was that these electricity solutions are not consistent across the country. I agree with you.
Electricity in parts of this country is provided by hydro, by nuclear and sometimes by natural gas, which has allowed us to wean off of coal and bring down emissions in Canada significantly, primarily in one or two provinces out west.
I agree with you. You said the grid is going to have to grow by 2.3 times by 2050. Two to three times is what we're going to have to grow. It's a doubling, plus. You're saying that's going to be accomplished with 3% growth, yet the electricity grid has grown that much already. Therefore, it's going to have to continue to grow to meet the growing demand from the increasing use of power in our economy.
Now, power in our economy is roughly one-third electricity, one-third motive power and one-third natural gas for industrial means. You're going to say that we have to get rid of the two-thirds that are hydrocarbon-based and build up the other one by 3% a year in order to get to two to three times.
I think we're going to have to get significantly higher.
Can you comment, please, on how the parasitic cannibalization of the other forms of energy are going to require the electricity grid to grow even further than it has?