Back to being relevant to the motion at hand, this is part of how there are some factual inaccuracies in the preamble as written. It's worth noting that over 30 first nations and all eight of Alberta's Métis settlements were able to be part of the site rehabilitation program, which cleaned up 2,145 sites across thousands of acres. In total, over 12,000 applications were received by the 104 different indigenous contractors that were approved during all the funding periods.
I remember being an MLA at the time and getting phone calls from indigenous contractors that were like, “I have always wanted to get into this, but I didn't know how and I didn't think I'd be able to compete with the big guys at doing some of this work. This is really amazing that my very small company can do this.” We allowed a variety of sizes of companies. The Government of Alberta decided to open it up so that it wasn't just giant contracts to spend the money quickly. This was about doing meaningful work that was meaningful for the people of Alberta and meaningful for the land, doing the right thing by the environment as well as creating meaningful jobs. That is part of the absolute challenge.
Mr. Chair, if you would give me some opportunity, I believe the clerk has already received the newest amendment, which I believe should be in compliance and is in both languages. In amendment second option, I would propose that we strike the preamble as written and make the following changes: “The Standing Committee on Natural Resources begin a three-meeting study on abandoned and orphaned wells in Canada,” and actually, it'll be easier if I just read the final motion as it would read, rather than trying to include all the cross-outs and cross-ins.
The final motion would read that “The Standing Committee on Natural Resources”—