Thank you.
If Mr. Simard will allow me, I will read the whole amended motion a bit more slowly this time. I will highlight the section I'm talking about afterwards. While it's being prepared to send out in both official languages, I will go back and address MP Simard's concern.
The motion reads as follows in English:
That, given the PBO's statements in the Trans Mountain pipeline system report 2024 released on November 8, 2024, the committee expresses concern about the financial uncertainty regarding the government's ability to sell the Trans Mountain pipeline system at a price that avoids a net loss to taxpayers and asks the chairman to report back to the House
So far, everything is as you have it in your motion.
This is the addition: “and have the Government of Canada provide a response to this report pursuant to Standing Order 109 as soon as possible.”
With this amendment, the whole purpose of what we are trying to do is to find agreement so that we can give you the platform to have that conversation in the House of Commons. As I committed to you, I will be there. I'm sure all of our colleagues would be there.
This is the genesis, and I hope we'll have your support on that.