I think to have the minister here to answer some of those questions would be fantastic, and I think that's something Canadians would want us to do.
However, on the issue of the reports and studies that she says we've completed, we actually haven't completed them. We keep getting the agenda switched around here by the Liberals. We start on things. Then we get witnesses cut short during the study, and then they produce a report. We start doing the report, and before we can even approve the recommendations, we jump to some other subject, so we're just kind of willy-nilly jumping all over the map here in this committee and we don't ever finish anything. We start a lot of things, but we don't ever finish. It would be nice if we could finish something soon and actually produce results for Canadians and produce something that we could move forward with.
However, I think the motion, being as good as it is, is missing a date. I don't know when she's planning on inviting the minister. Will it be before Christmas? Will it be next week? Will it be in the new year, in February? It's missing a date, so it would be nice if that date could be provided as well, and it maybe could be included in the motion at the minister's earliest convenience. If she's working on that now with her staff, it would be great to establish a date.
With that, Mr. Chair, I would move that we now adjourn debate and bring it to a vote.