Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Just to be clear on how the recommendation reads and what the change is.... I'm sorry; I'm reading, as we do, to make sure that the French looks exactly like the English to me, and it does.
The original motion was:
That, given the PBO's statements in the Trans Mountain pipeline system report 2024 released on November 8, 2024, the committee expresses concern about the financial uncertainty regarding the government's ability to sell the Trans Mountain pipeline system at a price that avoids a net loss to taxpayers and asks the chairman to report back to the House as soon as possible.
The motion would read, if the amendment I propose is adopted, and I am hoping that it will be:
That, given the PBO's statements in the Trans Mountain pipeline system report 2024 released on November 8, 2024, the committee recommends the government should do everything in its ability to sell the Trans Mountain pipeline system at a price that avoids a net loss to taxpayers and asks the chairman to report back to the House as soon as possible.
Mr. Simard, the change I'm proposing is that we don't say we're concerned.
It removes the following part: “the Committee expresses concern about the financial uncertainty regarding the government's ability to sell the Transmountain Pipeline System at a price that avoids a net loss to taxpayers and asks the Chair to report back to the House as soon as possible.”
I want to replace that part with this: “the Committee recommends the government should do everything in its ability to sell the Transmountain Pipeline System at a price that avoids a net loss to taxpayers and asks the Chair to report back to the House as soon as possible.”
I think it's a little bit stronger in some ways, because it recommends something that the government do, rather than just sharing an expressed concern, and I think that is quite a bit. It also has a bit of a bolder statement. Rather than just expressing an opinion or a concern, it says what we think the government should do. To me, it strengthens the wording of the motion.
It's not in my amendment, but I will just say that it seems like a strange translation to me in the original that “président” was translated to “chairman” in the English version. Usually it would just say “chair”. I'm not going to make a huge issue of that, and I expect that won't be a big issue for members of the committee if we went back and looked at that. I know that we're not talking about that amendment, and it wasn't in the amendment I proposed. It's just unusual language that I'm not used to seeing.
Going to the main point of what I was saying, I continue to have very grave concerns, as I've expressed, about the idea that we would be sending this report back without having our full study and our full ability to put all of the witnesses' opinions and our recommendations and all of that before the House. I would say that it's kind of funny because, in some ways, this could almost have been a recommendation to our study that we could have put to the House and had the government respond to.
However, if we are going to be in a position of talking about putting something directly to the House and skipping the step of our study, it would seem to me that this is stronger wording that better expresses what I think the committee is looking at, which is that we don't want to see taxpayers have a net loss on this. These amendments would share our joint belief, but I think there would be agreement around this entire table that we don't want to see taxpayers have a net loss, so we believe that the government should do everything in its ability, when the Trans Mountain pipeline is sold, to sell at a price that avoids a net loss.
I feel that this would go further.
I'm going to restate my position. I think we'd be in a better place if we did the full study and just had this as a recommendation to the study, rather than setting it separately.
I still have grave concerns about sending just this PBO report back to the House of Commons without taking into account all of the work that we have done on this study. I think it loses a lot of its context and it loses a lot of points that could go either way in this debate. The evidence goes in many places. Different opinions have been expressed about it. It would give us a chance to actually raise all of those parts of the debate as well. Given the PBO's more limited mandate, those wouldn't be put forward if we just put forward that study.
If we were in a position where we were going to just have the report go forward, I think these amendments make a stronger statement. My recommendation would be that we try to pick up from there to go with this stronger wording.
I'm hoping the other members around the table will support this and agree that this makes the kind of positive change that at least allows us to make a statement rather than just an expression of concern or an expression of opinion. I'm hoping that I have made a convincing argument for everyone here that this new amended wording, if we're going to have to go ahead with this motion, is something worth considering.
I will put it back to you, Mr. Chair, with a note that we might want to change, as a translation issue, the word “chairman”.