Yes, I get that. I think it's just that, in actually knowing the industry—because it's a very particular industry in terms of what we could get—we could bring up copper production dramatically if we had certain tools. That may not be something that Finance pays attention to, so I am trusting you to do this job for us.
I want to ask a bit about the 2 billion trees. There have been a lot of questions about it, but a tree is not a tree is not a tree, and planting 2 billion trees may make a little difference or not much, unless it's done strategically. For example, the industry loves its conifers. It makes money on them but, also, they burn. Deciduous trees are climate-friendly, but they don't have an economic value in the same way that a pine forest does. Have you planned out with foresters the kinds of trees, the mixes of trees and where those trees are going to be planted, or is it just about trying to hit those numbers so that you can get a press release out?