Naturally, I am not doing politics. I think that we have to make clear two things.
One is that being in line with the Paris Agreement requires immediate action and immediately changing the trends that we have in front of us, because, as we are going to say in the global outlook report that we will launch in two weeks, we are at risk if we continue as we are doing. Globally speaking, we have no option to stay at the 1.5°C. The 1.5°C objective is vanishing. This is happening globally.
Concerning Canada, if I may, I think that Canada is not in a position to reach their target and be coherent with the 1.5°C. This will really be a disaster. I think that Canada is one of the countries that really may lead the path to the 1.5°C. Today, with Canada, we are working on green innovation and trying to mix that with people exchanging ideas. No one today has spoken about green hydrogen. I think this is one of the themes that should be on the table. It's not just a question of one measure to be there to be pursued. I think that green hydrogen could be the best way for Canada for dealing with the electrification of the end-use system.
I wish to comment briefly on the CCS—