As one of the signatories to the letter you just mentioned, I believe it would be a mistake for the federal government to hand over a $50-billion to $75-billion tax credit to the oil and gas sector for CCS technology. As I explained in my written brief, if the industry thinks this is the magic ticket to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions in the time frame required, it should be financing this itself. The reason it's not financing it is that it knows that there's a very high risk that it will make an upfront investment like this and never get the return back before the industry becomes unprofitable. Therefore, the industry wants the public to pay for it.
We need to be putting our very valuable public revenue into the solutions that we know work. We need to be building out the renewable sector very rapidly, and we need to be investing heavily in energy efficiency areas where we have the greatest possibility of gains with the lowest ecological cost. Those are the things I would recommend.