Thank you for the question.
I think that what matters from a climate point of view is what is happening in the atmosphere. Is there an increase in emissions or a reduction in emissions?
The approach that Mr. Wilkinson and I have presented today is one that respects jurisdictional boundaries, whereby the federal government cannot impose reductions in natural resource production on the provinces. However, we can certainly address pollution, and we are doing so.
We are on track to meet our methane emissions reduction targets of 40% to 45% by 2025, not 2030. We will be moving towards a 75% reduction, which is still, to my knowledge, the most ambitious methane emissions reduction target by 2030 in the world, and for an oil producing country at that.
This is the approach we have taken both in relation to the IPCC report and the IEA report. As you know, the IEA report predicts that there will still be 25 million barrels of oil per day in use by 2050.