Thank you very much.
I'm sorry. I'm jumping around here on a few different topics, but there's a lot I want to get in, in a short period of time.
We heard as well from some of the witnesses in committee, or at least seemingly we had some witnesses who seemed to take the approach, that either you're on the side of the environment or you're on the side of Canadian jobs, and there's no in between. I would happen to disagree with that. I think there's certainly a lot of benefit to supporting Canadian jobs and Canadian industries, especially from the environmental side. I think we talk about some of the energy from regimes like Russia and others, but further from the global security standpoint I think there's an environmental conversation we need to have as well. I know first-hand from some of the opportunities I've had to do some tours, particularly in northern Alberta, about some of the great work that our energy sector is doing to be more efficient and greener.
I'm wondering if you can comment on some of those efforts as well.