Thank you, Monsieur Simard.
I want to ask some questions of Mr. McTeague.
Earlier you warned of going too quickly because it's fashionable. My sense is that we need to move quickly because climate scientists tell us this is required for our survival as a species. However, this made more sense to me when I looked up a letter you wrote on your blog saying that the latest IPCC report is “anti-fossil fuel alarmism” with your concern of “rhetoric bureaucracy and...boondoggle programmes”.
In the most recent budget, the current government allocated $7.1 billion between now and 2030 on carbon capture and storage. We've heard from Iron and Earth that part of their four-part plan is to ensure that we have workers getting upskilled. They've suggested $10 billion in order to direct funds to workers for their training.
Would you not then support reallocating away from carbon capture and towards upskilling of workers?