I want to welcome Mr. Gaheer to the committee.
While we're getting everybody brought in, I'll just mention who we have joining us for this next hour.
Thank you to the witnesses for being here with us and for waiting for us to get started today. We've had one of those days full of votes and that has delayed our start.
From the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, we have Keith Currie, first vice-president, and Frank Annau, environment and science policy director.
If I get the pronunciation of anybody's name wrong, feel free to reintroduce yourself when you have your opening statements.
We also have, from the Canadian Critical Minerals and Materials Alliance, Ian London, executive director; from the Quebec Forest Industry Council, Jean-François Samray, president and CEO; and from the Grain Growers of Canada, Branden Leslie, manager, policy and government relations.
I realize that some people may have to leave early during the meeting, so feel free to drop off when you need to go.
Because some of you may not have been before committee before, I'll note that we have simultaneous translation happening. On your screens, and for Mr. Leslie, who is here, you can choose floor, which is the language being used in live time, or English or French. We ask people to remain muted. For those on screen, you'll have to unmute yourselves.
I use a card system. When the time is within 30 seconds of ending, I give the yellow card. When the time is up, we give the red card. Don't stop in mid-sentence. Just wind up your thought, and then we'll move to the next person.
With that, we're ready to get going. We have opening statements.
Mr. Currie, we'll go with you for your five-minute opening statement, and we'll just move into questions as quickly as we can.
If you're ready, you have the floor for five minutes.