Two years in, you'd think...
Our government's plan on legislation has always been clear. We want to deliver a comprehensive action plan. We want to make sure that when we do, we listen to energy workers. As I said before, it's energy workers who are going to be building up CCUS and developing low-carbon fuels and hydrogen.
As I keep repeating, particularly when I speak to unions in the consultations and meetings that I've had with them, this isn't a matter of their being included or making sure that they're at the table. None of this happens without them. None of it. They will be leading the charge here.
Over the past few years, we have made some strategic investments in skills training, regional strategies and projects right across Canada that create sustainable jobs. I think Minister Wilkinson can talk about some important announcements he made today.
Listen, moving forward on legislation is going to require some coordinated planning to make sure that Canadians have the sustainable jobs to go to that will carry them from tomorrow into the future, and the country with them.
We are establishing legislative principles in line with international best practices. Part of that is having those consultations, which are meaningful.