The first part of the motion we need to adopt is the study budget of $10,475, which was circulated last week. That's the first part.
The second is to adopt the subcommittee report from November 1 related to this study. That, in brief, reads:
That, for the study of federal assistance for various natural resources industries, witnesses be invited to appear as per the amended work plan distributed to the committee, and that members be kept informed of any required substitutions to the proposed panels based on the availability of the witnesses.
The third piece is that we grant Mr. James Maloney access to the digital binder, since he will be replacing Ms. Jones while she's away for her medical treatments.
The fourth piece of it is that the deadline for receiving written briefs for this study be set for next Friday, November 25. I will say that it's subject to us having the two meetings next week. If there are any disruptions to those meetings, we will carry the written submissions through to December 2.
Go ahead, Mario.