There are a couple of points here. The first one is that the CER act prescribes, essentially, legislated time limits for the commission to make decisions and also recommendations on certain types of projects. It's embedded in the act. It's also stipulated that any given application needs to be processed as expeditiously as possible, given constraints and principles of natural justice and procedural fairness.
On top of this, the CER also has service standards that have been complied with over the past five years in terms of producing decisions over and above the legislated time limit that I spoke about earlier.
Then the last point is the strategic priority that we also have related to enhancing Canada's global competitiveness, as stipulated in the CER act. There are a number of components to this. One thing I'll mention is that we have a clear eye to making our processes as predictable as possible—not necessarily the outcome of them, but rather the processes we go through to assess an application—so that industry knows what the expectations are in terms of filing requirements, timeliness, as well as the different review steps that it will have to go through.