Sure. Thank you for the question.
Let me begin by thanking you for all the work you do on this file and your continued advocacy for your constituents. I know that it's very important in your riding.
The critical minerals centre of excellence at Natural Resources Canada leads the development and coordination of Canada's policies and programs on critical minerals, in collaboration with industry, provinces, territories, indigenous and non-governmental organizations, and international partners. The centre aims to advance critical mineral resources and value chains that are essential to the energy transition. This organization plays an important role in supporting the development of our strategy, which, as some of you will recall, we've been working on for a period of time and will be announcing very shortly.
One recommendation to establish this centre came out of this committee's report on critical minerals in June 2021. The centre will help prospective investors, mining operations and others who are part of the critical minerals value chain, such as clean tech, zero-emission vehicle facilities and electric battery manufacturers. Similar to the regional energy and resource tables that I noted earlier, the centre aims to navigate various regulatory environments to advance the use of Canada's critical minerals and to create a greener future for future generations.