Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to follow up on some of the different questions we had about methane a bit earlier today.
I was excited that just about a month ago one of our Canadian satellite companies, which is tracking methane leaks from space using satellite technology, was able to participate through COP27 in highlighting methane leaks around the world. They found some from coal plants, for example, but they also found one from a waste treatment plant in Terrebonne, back in November. It's a company called GHGSat. They're based in Montreal. I think they show how some of the cutting-edge technologies that we're developing here in Canada are helping to track down methane, and from different sources than people might normally think of as sources of methane.
When I was looking through the supplementary estimates (B), I saw that there was funding for Canadian data-receiving infrastructure for the space-based earth observation network. I was just wondering if maybe, thinking about that piece of funding, you can highlight some of the Canadian technologies that we're helping to support and develop on methane emissions.