Ross, thank you so much for your service to the library and to Parliament.
For the members who are here, I have a card, if you'd like to stop by and sign it on the way out. I have a small gift in my bag, but I'll wait until we're not being televised before I pull that out to present it.
Congratulations on your new role outside of the House, and best of luck with your future endeavours. We'll miss you dearly here. We also know that we're left in good hands, so all the best to you.
With that, folks, we are adjourned. Have safe travels home, a great week in the constituency, and we'll see everybody back here in a week.
On the first day back, on Tuesday, March 21, we have the minister coming. Actually, no, we're not suspended yet. We have the minister coming with officials to go over supplementary estimates (C). The issue I want to flag for everybody is that the way the budget cycle works, the last supply day ends up being at a point when, because it works back from that, today is actually the last day we can report back to the House on supplementary estimates (C). However, it wasn't possible to get the minister here. We can still have him come with officials. It simply means we can't amend any of the votes that are put to us, but we can still report back to the House. It would just be without amendments.
The plan is to still have the minister and officials here on the Tuesday when we're back. Then, on Friday, we'll be continuing with the recommendations on the just transition report. We're not calling it “just transition”, but the new title hasn't been adopted yet, so that will be the first week back and we'll see where we're at. The plan for the second week, then, is to move into the first panel of witnesses for the Inflation Reduction Act, just to get that one started. I'll share details after that for the rest of the work plan.
Now, that's it. Safe travels. Have a good week at home.
Mario, do you have a question?