Great question. I think if we look at the example of Canada, as has been repeated in other places, one of the other panellists noted that our electricity sector has been one of the largest reducers of greenhouse gases. In Canada that is because we shut down our coal industry and we replaced it largely with natural gas. Certainly we put in more wind and solar. In Canada I think wind and solar are about 3% and 5% of our production, but the massive reduction came from the phasing out coal and putting in gas.
The same is true in the United States, where it's their biggest reduction. The same is true in Europe. As we look at the biggest reduction we can make globally, it is in Asia and in India. Therefore, I would like to see any new legislation targeting Canada playing a large global role. I think it would have to be recognized in a piece of legislation like you're contemplating here, that this is about global reductions. We can pat ourselves on the back in Canada for a Canadian reduction that, ironically, has a negative impact globally, and that would be bad for all of us.