Yes. Thank you, Minister.
The issue I'm bringing up here is, of course, your insistence upon the critical minerals sector as if it is the only sector that requires sustenance going forward here. You're putting a lot of money into it. You're spending a lot of tax dollars on it. In the end, it is a minor contribution as far as energy in this country goes.
Critical minerals do not produce energy. They store energy and they're used for other high-tech operations, but we need energy in Canada to continue to sustain ourselves as a viable country going forward here where jobs are going to come.
Now your government has committed a lot of money towards these plants for electric vehicles. It's committed a lot of money through the chain along the way, and yet you can see that there's very little coming in the front door for the next 20 years as far as critical minerals go.
In another example, you've got the Ring of Fire in Ontario, which is going to take decades to develop, but you found out as well that will mean unearthing sphagnum, so effectively peat moss, which is going to emit 1.6 billion tonnes in the Ring of Fire alone of CO2 that's already trapped there.
Do you see the circularity of how you're actually not getting to a climate solution here?