No. First of all, we've dedicated enormous resources to the energy sector as well, through the CCUS tax credit and the hydrogen tax credit, so I think you have to be careful about some of the things you say in terms of where the money is going.
I would also say that, with respect to projects, we are seeing an enormous uptick in the number of projects, and we will see much more coming through the front door. The Ring of Fire is one of the more challenging areas for exactly the reasons you mention, as well as some concerns on the part of a number of indigenous communities.
If you're going to develop the Ring of Fire, you have to do it in a manner that is not going to disturb the peat, because otherwise it doesn't make sense. You are correct about that, but that doesn't mean there are not ways to do it in a manner that addresses the environment and the legitimate concerns of the indigenous communities in the area.