Thank you.
After reading your reports, Mr. DeMarco, I got the feeling that the government established principles and rules without necessarily having a feedback loop to ascertain whether those principles and rules were effective.
It brings to mind your 2021 report on the emissions reduction fund. After reading that report, I learned that, far from reducing emissions, the program had led to an increase. The same is true of the two billion trees program. The government established a principle but didn't come to an agreement with the provinces regarding the planting of those two billion trees. The government doesn't have a feedback loop.
You talk about regulating and reducing emissions, and Minister Guilbeault said a while ago that it was necessary to stop providing the fossil fuel sector with financial support and inefficient subsidies. However, we don't know what constitutes an inefficient subsidy.
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but is the government quicker to establish principles than to consider how they are put into practice and what results they have?