Good afternoon, everyone. I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 72 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources. Today, we're meeting to resume our study of Canada's clean energy plans in the context of North American energy transformation. We'll then proceed to sit in camera for a brief committee business discussion near the end of the meeting.
I'd like to welcome all of our guests.
For Monsieur Mousseau, who is here in person, and for all of our guests online, welcome.
As a bit of a quick run-through, for everybody who has done their sound checks, hopefully the technology holds and we'll be good. We are missing one witness who had confirmed. Obviously, that sound check has not happened. We are trying to track down the witness. We'll go through the opening comments from everybody else. If the missing witness appears, we may have to suspend for a minute to do the sound check. Then we'll resume, get those opening statements done and go into our rounds of questions and answers. If we can't track down that witness, we'll just continue with those of you who are able to successfully join us.
I have a couple of quick things for anybody who is new to testifying at committee. Please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking, and please address any comments through the chair, although I'm pretty relaxed about that so you can have a bit of leeway with talking to the members. For those participating by video conference, click on the microphone icon to activate your mike, and please mute yourself when not speaking. For those in the room, we have people who control the microphones, but we can't do that remotely.
Interpretation for those on Zoom is available. If you haven't been taken through it, at the bottom of your screen there is a choice of floor, English or French. You can choose to hear whichever language is being spoken or the translation by choosing either English or French. Your earpiece will pick up the desired channel.
Now that we're in session, screenshots and photos are not allowed.
In accordance with our routine motion, I am informing the committee that all remote participants have completed the required connection tests in advance of the meeting.
Thank you, each of you, for doing that.
Now, to welcome the guests, as I've said, we have in the room with us Normand Mousseau, physics professor, Université de Montréal, and scientific director, Institut de l'énergie Trottier, Polytechnique Montréal. We also have, from AGvisorPRO Inc., Robert Saik, professional agrologist. From the Alberta Federation of Labour, we have Gil McGowan, president. From Arianne Phosphate Inc., Raphael Gaudreault, chief operating officer; and from the World Resources Institute, Daniel Lashof, director for the United States. We are hoping to pull in, from BioSphere Recovery Technologies Inc., Zsombor Burany, chief executive officer.
That's our panel for today.
Each of you will be given five minutes for opening statements. Then we'll get into the rounds of questions and answers.
I'll try to use a yellow card as a visual cue when you are down to 30 seconds left on the clock. When I give you the red card, the time is up. Don't stop mid-sentence, but wind up your thoughts. We will move on to the next person, because the time allotment we have goes pretty quickly.
With that, I'll go with the order of my sheet. We'll start in the room with Monsieur Mousseau.
I'll turn the floor over to you for your five-minute opening statement. The floor is yours.