Thank you for the question.
I think the major issue at play here, and this touches on the financeability, is the duration of the environmental impact assessments. This is a seven-year process that's being forecasted, and that is far too long given the race to net zero that is on.
In terms of the streamlining that we think should be happening, this is not about cutting corners. There's simply too much duplication within the legislation.
The nuclear builds that are being planned in Ontario in the near term are on existing nuclear sites. These are some of the most intensively environmentally monitored sites in the world. Every five years reports are being submitted to a number of entities, like the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. It's not just the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission but also Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks. There's a lot of active monitoring occurring on site, which should be worked into the agreements. There's more work to do on indigenous consultation. I think that's what the operators are wanting to focus on, by using the existing environmental data they have to again streamline that process so there's not duplication and so that we're not wasting time.