Thank you, Mr. Chair.
My objectives today are twofold: to convey how Suncor sees the global energy future, including the role of oil and natural gas in Canada, and to share the actions Suncor is taking today to tackle the dual challenge of meeting the world's energy needs while addressing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
Our world is rapidly changing. Global population is increasing. Economies are growing. Energy security is threatened by regional conflict. Climate change is occurring, and energy demand continues to rise. Affordable and reliable energy is at the centre of every human development index: quality of life, life expectancy, education and income. Energy used and human development are inextricably linked. Where there is a lack of energy, there's a lower quality of life. For more than a century, oil and natural gas have played a transformative role in fuelling the world's energy needs, improving living standards and driving economic growth.
Today we see rising greenhouse gas emissions, the warming of our planet and increasingly the concerning effects of climate change, yet all plausible global energy outlooks forecast oil and gas remaining among the world's largest sources of energy for decades to come, valued for its reliability and versatility. Therein lies the dilemma: how to effectively and affordably decarbonize the oil and gas sector, not eliminate it.
With among the world's largest reserves, Canada has a major opportunity to lead and prosper by providing low-carbon oil and gas both at home and abroad. Having worked in some manner in more than 20 countries during my career, I believe that the world benefits from the oil and gas produced in Canada more than from that produced in almost any other country globally. Achieving Canada's energy potential requires a shared vision that includes public policy support, technological advances, competitive investments and effective leadership. In other words, a collective effort is required between government, industry and society.
Suncor has committed to this effort and to being part of the solution by helping to decarbonize Canada's oil and gas sector today and by being part of the energy transition for tomorrow. Today we are taking tangible and financially material actions to decarbonize our existing hydrocarbon businesses by investing in low-carbon fuel switching and cogeneration capacity at all oil sands mining sites, by piloting low-carbon injectant technologies for in situ operations, by installing electric vehicle charging facilities at Petro-Canada stations coast to coast, by advancing sustainable aviation fuels and by operating Canada's largest ethanol plant to produce renewable transportation fuels. In each instance, we are putting our money where our mouth is.
In addition we are working with five other companies in the Pathways Alliance to pursue large-scale carbon capture and sequestration, supporting our objective of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from our operations by 2050. The alliance involves unprecedented collaboration between industry and multiple levels of government, including federal and provincial.
In terms of the transition to net zero via opportunities outside of oil and gas, we are focused on areas in which we have core competencies such as power generation, renewable fuels, customer delivery systems, large plant operations and manufacturing processes. Conversely, we are not focused on aspects of energy where we do not have core competencies or relevant experience. We are selective and targeted to ensure that we have what it takes to compete and create sustainable opportunities.
We are committed to ensuring a profitable high-performing business today so that we can have a profitable high-performing and sustainable business in the future. At Suncor, it's about both today and tomorrow, not one or the other.
To my Suncor colleagues, I am proud of what you do, developing Canada's natural resources, providing energy that improves millions of people's lives, bolstering the economy nationwide, providing tens of thousands of well-paid jobs, supporting communities across the country, developing meaningful relationships with indigenous peoples and businesses, and working together to create a sustainable future.
Mr. Chair, I'm ready for your questions.