I can, and thank you.
I share your commitment and your passion about the importance of that. I look at providing a safe workplace as, fundamentally, a moral responsibility that I have. When I look at the recent years of the company, I find them to be quite sad in many regards. It is a top priority for me.
For example, one of the bases for my being called here today is that, on an earnings call, I talked about focusing on the fundamentals. To me, the fundamentals start with personnel safety. On July 7 of this year, I talked to the father of a young man who lost his life in our operation on July 7 a year ago. I promised him that I would put the safety of our employees at the top of my list at all times.
We're taking a lot of steps there, and they start with me. They start with leadership, the commitment to it, and not asking anyone to do anything that I wouldn't do myself or that I wouldn't ask any of my children to do. I have a lot of passion for safety because I think that's where it all starts. Without a safe workplace, we shouldn't have any priorities other than safety.