Your question is a good one. In terms of our industry, the nature of.... We're a big company. It's big dollars. I'll give you a few numbers to tie in.
Over the last three full years, we made, in total, $9 billion in profits. We've paid $10 billion in income taxes and royalties to the federal and provincial governments to build bridges, hospitals and schools. We've invested, over those same three years, $13 billion more than we've made. Some of it is to maintain the health and well-being of our existing businesses, the safety and operational integrity, and our environmental responsibility. An increasing share of it is going to new businesses. This last year we spent $540 million on decarbonization projects.
We are an industry and a company where the numbers are big, but when you break them down and you look at.... We pay more than 50% of what we make every year—and are proud to do it—in taxes and royalties. We're investing back, not only to maintain our existing business but to create those new businesses that I think we would agree are important to the country.