One of the top key elements is definitely moving quickly on the creation of a cap around the oil and gas sector. Along with that is also looking at other sectors that are heavy emitters and creating plans with, potentially, caps for those sectors as well.
I think another key piece is to basically not be afraid to take a leadership position globally, as we saw at COP26, on what it will take to meet our nationally determined contribution, which we've committed to through the Paris Agreement.
Finally, we have a lot of questions about whose oil resources are the best in the world. Ultimately, we know, as has been pointed out, that oil production has to decline, and so leadership really looks not like trying to be the last barrel standing but rather like trying to be an economy that shows how we can cohesively transition in partnership with indigenous communities and other underserved communities in Canada and shows that we can work together across the country to be one of the success stories of the transition.