The majority of our work happens at a global level. What we've looked at is what the intent is of young people and, really, that is going towards the net-zero future. I think it is clear that battery technology will be a big part of that, but there are a lot of other technologies that exist as well and have been pointed out in other reports here. What I think young people are really looking for, though, is the opportunity to be part of the transition, and the key issue right now is that there are not clear pathways into green jobs and into becoming clean-energy entrepreneurs, if you will.
There's a huge other piece of the just transition, and that is working with workers who are currently in the oil and gas sector and other heavy emitting sectors to provide for their future.
Another piece is really making sure that Canada is stepping up on the training and capacity building, especially when it comes to experiential learning. We have great R and D capabilities in this country, and we have good universities, but unfortunately right now it's not meeting the mark to prepare people for these jobs. We really need to look at the opportunity to be preparing people for this future and to be bolstering our talent pool to be leading in the future.