To that, when we came out of the last suspension, I asked you about the issue of health and safety and making sure that abusive behaviour would not lead to a possible accident, as we've seen in the Senate. You said that, as chair, when you speak, others are to wait, and yet you had to suspend a second time because Mr. Garnett Genuis ignores you and spoke through you.
If we're going to have this abusive behaviour that puts people at risk, their health at risk, their health and safety, are you willing to suspend this committee because, again, the Conservatives are ignoring you? They don't care. They will speak over. We have a rule. You said that we should follow the rule. I'm trying to follow that rule, but you had to suspend a second time because of abusive behaviour.
On the next go-round, would you be willing to suspend committee so that we could talk to our whips' offices to get some level of dignified behaviour and professionalism? I don't think we can keep coming back in here and seeing this abusive behaviour happening, because we're talking about the health and safety of people who work on Parliament Hill and who have no stake in this except serving the Canadian people.