Thank you.
I don't mind chipping in to provide a basic parliamentary guide for Mr. Patzer, but I don't think it would help him. This is again an attempt to interfere and undermine. The fact is that it took six meetings for me to even be allowed to speak because the Conservatives have obstructed, interfered and used abusive tactics again and again. Now Ms. Dabrusin has the floor, and they are attempting to stop her from speaking.
Mr. Patzer wants to know who's on the order. She's on the order. She has the floor. He doesn't. She keeps getting interrupted by his behaviour.
I would ask you, Chair, to restore order and to remind the Conservatives that their tactics are interfering with and undermining the rights of other members of the committee to participate.
When Ms. Dabrusin is finished, the next person gets the floor. This is basic parliamentary reality. This is how it's been done. The Conservatives can jump up and down and interfere and play games, but they are stopping the work of our parliamentary committee that must go forward.
Chair, I continue to support you. If the Conservatives don't like it, they should challenge the chair; otherwise, they should grow up, start respecting their colleagues and let people speak.
I would like to hear what Ms. Dabrusin has to say.